Sunday, February 22, 2015

Have you ever had a Dreamers Dream

                           Have you ever had a dreamers dream?

Because if you have you know what it's like to want something so bad you could taste it. It doesn't have to be something expensive or anything of monetary value. You see we all have things we have hopes of accomplishing things in our life. For some its to see that far away place or that tropical island or perhaps its to see a loved one not seen for some time.

A dreamers dream keeps us hoping and longing for something that we want to attain. One could say they have a thirst for that one thing you long to do see taste or feel.

Willie Wonka said it best "We are the makers of dreams the dreamer of dreams"


I challenge you to be dreamers; I challenge you to be doers and let us make the greatest place in the world even better.

Writers write. Dreamers talk about it.

Have you ever been a dreamers dreamer? Yes I have. To me dreaming is an escape to a place of fulfillment and excitement. you can visit anyplace you like in your own mind. I also love the fact that dreams can become realities. The big quest is how bad do you want it? What will you do to take your dreams to the next level. Will you be an action taker or perhaps you want to just be a professional dreamer it makes you happy in it of itself. One great factor is everyone has the right and the option to do and and be anything their heart desires. 
For me I choose to keep dreaming and keep forging forward towards my dreams I am a person that want to live her dreams and step into my own dream place.

To you personally live your own dreams and your own truths. Just be you and be happy. 

Debra Mitchell

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  1. I would love to hear about your dreams as well! Thnaks for stopping by..

  2. I had a Dreamers Dream while awake last night. I am dreaming it will warm up in Texas for a change..Shhheeesh
